BackPlate Heater for Phase Change Systems

Code: DT011
BackPlate Heater for Phase Change SystemsBackPlate Heater for Phase Change Systems
Price 15.29 € Available at least in 7 days



BackPlate Heater for Phase Change Systems

The BackPlate Heater helps the prevention of moisture under the MotherBoard, the ideal use is at direct contact with the motherboard (the heater have adhesive film), followed by a neoprene foam layer of at least 5mm pressed by the metal or plastic backplate.

This Heater is able to prevent bad events like the moisture, moast of the time given by bad insulations job or insulations job done with no care.
Heater need a supply voltage of  12v DC and drain 5w, it is realized with a thin layer of polyester and the cables in silicon material (cables length 500mm).


DimasTech BackPlate Heater is compatible with all the Vapochill® (all the models)


  • Switch on Heater only when Cooling System is running!!!